Listening does not solely have an auditory function and can serve as a more comprehensive attunement with the world. Through hearing sonic ecologies, expanding practices of listening, and experiments with attunement to the polyphony of the earth, we can consider the fundamental problematics of human exceptionalism and the entrenched detachment from the natural world in today’s changing climate and collapse.
Listen below to excerpts of recorded conversations with Eduardo Kohn, Jeremy Narby and Salomé Voegelin around the topics of sound, vibration, and listening, conducted during our residency at La Becque in Spring 2022.
Salomé Voegelin on listening.
Salomé Voegelin on signals and noise.
Salomé Voegelin on canons and entanglements.
Salomé Voegelin on sonic possible worlds.
Salomé Voegelin on a feminin approach to sound and its power.
Eduardo Kohn on poiesis and listening.
Eduardo Kohn on sonic images, also called: song words.
Eduardo Kohn on shamanic chants.
Eduardo Kohn on the idea of the “larger whole” and listening.
Jeremy Narby on the essence of the essence: a melody.
Jeremy Narby on the power of the human voice and the transmission of knowledge.
Jeremy Narby on images, voices and radio.
Jeremy Narby on radio waves.
Jeremy Narby on being freed from the here and now.
Jeremy Narby on the question of vibrancy, electromagnetic waves and western science.
Jeremy Narby on music and plants.